What about Ireland?

Today, 6th October 2016, the students of Bachiller have had an interesting talk about Ireland. Ms. Louise Maguire, an Irish woman, has come to our class to explain us a little bit about how life is there. She lives in Galway (northwest of Ireland) and her place is between computers, managing a large group of people and often contacting with other countries, for example the U.K.

The weather is really bad most of the time in Ireland (rain and clouds), so it is usual between teenagers to spend their time going shopping in shopping centres. There is an enormous shop in Ireland which is like “Primark” in Valencia. It’s called Penneys.

Many people have a cup of coffee to start the day. People don’t go to bed at six o’clock. That’s false. The time depends on the job and the things you have to do.

The most popular sports are rugby and soccer, which is like football.

Also, the Irish language is used there. Some people mix English and the dialect of the country in the same way we use Spanish and Valencian.

Ireland has a lot of beautiful places which all of us should visit if we have the chance. And remember: “Travelling is the only thing we buy that makes us richer”.

María Carbonell – 2BACHC

Viernes, 07 Octubre 2016 10:56